Nettlebed Community School

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Pupil Premium

At Nettlebed School pupil premium funding is used to support a range of academic and wider school life activities and experiences.   

The pupil premium allocation is spent either by providing academic support to boost attainment or as a means by which pupils' learning or experiences may be enriched.

Where pupil attainment is good, the funding will be used to enrich their learning through:

- funding extra-curricular clubs and activities

- Challenge groups to ensure pupils fulfil their academic potential (Literacy and Maths)

- Breakfast club

- Funding residential and educational visits

- Other areas specific to the individual needs of a pupil eligible for pupil premium funding


Where pupil attainment is below national expectations, the funding will be used to support their learning needs through:

- Additional teaching hours to provided

- Intervention groups (reading, writing and maths)

- Other areas specific to the individual needs of a pupil eligible for pupil premium funding

- Consistent progression of skills established, monitored and evaluated.

Pupil Premium Intent and Impact Report

The school also receives extra funding for PE called the PE pupil premium. Nettlebed Community School largely use this to fund additional sporting events such as staff, buses and equipment.

Please see below for the strategy report:

PE Pupil Premium 2024